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Granville Central High School
"A STEAM School with PLTW Engineering"
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics)
Granville Central High School uses the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering curriculum. Students engage in open-ended problem-solving, learn and apply the engineering design process, and use the same industry-leading technology and software as are used in the world’s top companies. Students are immersed in design as they investigate topics such as sustainability, mechatronics, forces, mechanisms, control systems, energy sources, and circuit design, which gives them an opportunity to learn about different engineering disciplines before beginning post-secondary education or careers. In addition to the Engineering courses, students can also take Agriculture courses in Ag Mechanics, Animal Science, Veterinary Assisting, and Horticulture. Granville Central High School’s STEAM and PLTW Engineering courses allow students to apply math and science skills while engaging in hands-on projects where students create and explore real-world problems.